
Hi everyone, guys needed (again sebab tak achieve target)
          	A little help by clicking the link given for my assignment tasks. Currently reach 100 out of 1k clicks. Every click really means a lot to me. 


Hi guys, help needed here!
          I needed 1k traffic report for the affiliate assignment for my university task. Means need 1k people to click to my affiliate special link. 

          (Actually need 1k sales but that's up to individual. If you want to buy anything from the website, you're most welcome and it really credits lots marks to me)
          The website is called cikgumall. It's a platform for the KPT to evaluate each university progress for entrepreneur subject that is compulsory for graded.
          Massive thanks for everyone help. Only Allah can pay all your kindness and help.


FYI, TBV tu saya tulis waktu tengah sangat down. A few bad things happen to me that makes me rebel. TBV yang sejukkan saya.
          Dan sekarang, benda tu jadi lagi. More than a year... so Behind Our Silence perhaps can heal me like TBV did. 
          Siapa yang suka slice of life punya story yang main jiwa, boleh usha-usha dulu hehe. I hope I can write till the end. InshaAllah


@stargazell semoga kuat ya ❤️


Unpublish Pleasant Doubt sebab idea mati.
          Tapi sekurang-kurangnya masih boleh dibetulkan lagi ideanya.
          Kalau motivasi yang mati,
          Ke mana hala tuju seketul bintang?
          Nak mati dah ke bintang yang satu ni dalam dunia penulisan?


@stargazell the last sentence got me sobbing. i'm losing my motivation to continue writing.
            or... maybe we can take a break and come back when we're ready to write again :)


Bello, saya tiada semangat nak menulis pleasant doubt. Tolong ketuk kepala saya please.


@f4dzila mashaAllah thank you very muchh dear. Semoga dapat ibrah dan manfaat drpdnya. Insha'Allah saya pun harap saya dpt habiskan kisah sahabat2 fakeeh <3


hey, i’m your new reader  baru habis baca TBV and I LOVE IT SOO MUCHHH! ruginyaa saya baru discover your story and you  so please, sambung kisah zuhairose, saya memerlukan story yang menarik untuk dibacaa di Wattpad 


@heartlesstrickers awwww you're the limited one! Happy readingg! Maaf atas kekurangan karya pertama saya. Semoga terhibur <3