
my parents got rid of my netflix streaming without telling me. I literally don't know what to do with my life.


btdubs I know I'm STILL unactive on here(grrrr) but I've finally gotten back into the unposted WIP that I started last christmas and I've been procrastinating on it since like last spring so I'm trying to move my focus on that. But I haven't forgotten about you guys!


kay so I'm on my school's varsity cheer team and we've done about 6 fb games so far and we've literally only have won one. My dad says it's because we have a new quarterback whos a sophmore but we just had a game tonight and lost 47-6 so like I don't think that's the quarterback's fault so yeah that's my story.


okay so about 2 days before school started for me I got a new laptop(it's required at my school and the kind I had used for the past two years broke right before the end of both years). So I got a super nice hp and I lovvvved it. But about a week later all of my office apps stopped working. So for about two months I had to use google drive for writing and it was really annoying because I couldn't see my word count. But then I did a repair on them and I FIXED IT! (: