
this message may be offensive
Okay, so I've been gone for a fucking long time, my apologies. I disregarded my responsibilities and it's taken a downfall. Now, however, I've gotten over my writer's block, and I'm planning on restarting. I believe that my writing has improved and well, let's see! I have a lot of projects I'm working on right now, but I promise I'll post them when I could. 
          	So, see you all soon!  


this message may be offensive
Okay, so I've been gone for a fucking long time, my apologies. I disregarded my responsibilities and it's taken a downfall. Now, however, I've gotten over my writer's block, and I'm planning on restarting. I believe that my writing has improved and well, let's see! I have a lot of projects I'm working on right now, but I promise I'll post them when I could. 
          So, see you all soon!  


Hey everybody! I'm so sorry that I've been gone for a REALLY long time. I just kind of... lost hope on Wattpad and had a huge writer's block. So... The Heartbreaker will be on hiatus bc I have so much new and better stories in store!