
I am having a hard time, I'm trying to find a Gajeel and Levy fanfic and levy is a mute at first because of what happened in the past. Her dad is a drinker. Wendy is Gajeels little sister and ummmm Gajeel secretly fights, because it's his job. I'm pretty sure it was called mute but I can't find it! 


Hey ur two inuyasha books when will u update them again i love them so much i love the feels heheh plus i kinda love inuaysha cuz its awsome INUKAG ForVEERR lol 


How much for an inuyasha lol


@starstar1997 okay i cant wait lol hkw much it coat for an inuyadha XD


@Inuyasha-Lover I know I should've added a little more of them but I also have a surprise at the end of Why couldn't I leave you so you gotta wait and see 


I am having a hard time, I'm trying to find a Gajeel and Levy fanfic and levy is a mute at first because of what happened in the past. Her dad is a drinker. Wendy is Gajeels little sister and ummmm Gajeel secretly fights, because it's his job. I'm pretty sure it was called mute but I can't find it!