
this message may be offensive
I may or not be crazy, but I've been thinking about making a comeback on this account. The only thing I ask for is a fresh start. I want you to forget about the person who wrote on this account months ago because she seems to be gone now. I'd have to know if you would actually read my shit again or not.


i’d read it 


this message may be offensive
I may or not be crazy, but I've been thinking about making a comeback on this account. The only thing I ask for is a fresh start. I want you to forget about the person who wrote on this account months ago because she seems to be gone now. I'd have to know if you would actually read my shit again or not.


i’d read it 


I'm sorry guys. I don't think I'm going to ever publish on this account anymore. Wattpad doesn't seem like the right place for me anymore. You can unfollow me if you want to. I'll only use this account to read. I might make a different account, but I won't announce it or tell anybody what it is. I need a fresh start, and it might be on a different sight. Again, I'm sorry guys.


@stebbs0921 you do you. I respect you and your decisions.


Self promo time, even though I hate it when other people do it. I just updated My Untold Story. It's a chapter on insecurities that ends up getting really off topic, then I attempt to rope it back together. Please go check it out, it means a lot to me. I hope it helps you.


So in case you didn't already notice, there's absolutely no way that I'm going to finish rewriting up to chapter 11 of Things Change by the end of school. I finish up next Wednesday and I still have seven chapters to finish. Sorry guys but you're going to have to wait.