
Hey Peeps.
          	I just wanted to say a big thank you to all my readers.
          	'The Pirate and the Sparrow' is almost at 100 reads.
          	I will have another chapter for you shortly, but in the meantime...
          	Keep Reading. Keep Voting. And Keep Commenting.
          	I'd love to hear what you think.


 Hey, how are you? My friend Charles Bitten, is an up in comimg poet, and  I'm trying to help spread his poetry with everyone that I can. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind checking out  his poetry collection, whenever you get the time...


@Bigreader95 No problem. I'd love to read your friend's poetry 


Hey Peeps.
          I just wanted to say a big thank you to all my readers.
          'The Pirate and the Sparrow' is almost at 100 reads.
          I will have another chapter for you shortly, but in the meantime...
          Keep Reading. Keep Voting. And Keep Commenting.
          I'd love to hear what you think.


Hey Guys.
          Sorry I haven't posted any chapters recently for my current stories.
          I've been very distracted and excited with writing a retelling of the classic tale - The Little Mermaid.
          It will a story about a human girl, an underwater kingdom, and an ancient curse.
          Once I have some chapters for you, I will post them asap.
          Thanks for your patience, and don't forget to vote and comment on my current stories.


Hey Everyone.
          Thank you so so much for taking the time to read my stories.
          Please don't forget to vote and comment.
          I'd love to get your feedback, constructive criticism, or suggestions for what you would like to see happen in future chapters.
          Hope you're enjoying a fabulous start to 2018.


Hey Everyone. Hope you've been having a very Merry Christmas stuffed full of family, food and fun.
          Just a quick update on 'The Pirate and the Sparrow' - Chapter Three is written, currently in the process of editting and will be posted by Friday at the latest.
          Happy Reading!