
Hello everyone! I'm here with some exciting news! These Mortal Threads will be making its return soon! The new and improved edition on the story includes a new cover, some new content, and revised chapters, so please look forward to it! Much love, Faith  <3


Hello everyone! I'm here with some exciting news! These Mortal Threads will be making its return soon! The new and improved edition on the story includes a new cover, some new content, and revised chapters, so please look forward to it! Much love, Faith  <3


Hi Faith, 
          I thought I'd stop by and let you know. I have a contest I've started called the Urban fantasy awards and I think you could run away with the best cover category as well as many others. Just wondering if you'd like to participate? 


I have some addition very exciting news. Vicki Pettersson the critically acclaimed and award winning author of the Signs of the Zodiac Series and the Celestial Blues trilogy has agreed to judge a category.  Please consider taking part as either a judge or a participant. Cheers.