
          	I have Uploaded again :D


hi! i was wondering if you would plz check out chapter 8 of my story 'Angels and Death' and plz comment to let me know what you think, maybe even vote and fan also! it would mean a great deal to me, and here is the link: its #1 on the leadership boards of the watty awards! 
          its about a guardian angel named caspian, who was suposed to let his charge samantha die, but did not. he believes she is destined for greatness and now it is his soul porpuse to prove so. but his rebellion and lack of faith in his father the lord will cost him severly. plz check it out!


          I was wondering if you could read my stories “infamy” or “horror story” or “Ouija Board’s Revenge” or my new story “the Ghost Attack”.
          Comment? Vote? Or become a fan? Or become a fan of my sister ( “HelloJustin” ) as she has come up with the title of the stories and i write the story and she reads it and says if it’s good or not.
          It would be much appreciated


Hello there, before you completely stop reading ; please hear me out? (: 
          I'm just another author on Wattpad & would find it honorable if you could check out one of my stories? 
          I have five up, but am only advertising three :) 
          If you are interested, read the summaries below, & if not, 
          thank you for your time. I wish you the best in wattpad land ;D 
          Summaries ; 
          "Layers of Summer" 
          Everyone talks about summer love as if it's the most ordinary thing ever. But 16-year old, Cailyn doesn't agree. In fact; the word ordinary, throws her off. She likes adventure, danger, and fear. Too bad she's shy and unfortunately for her, she's off to spend her summer with her grandfather; who just doesn't understand teenagers and all of their rackets these days. To top of a bad summer, Cailyn is forced to work in her grandfathers book store, where secrets and rumors about her dead brother appear. And she can't help but fall for the town hottie; who's everything she ever wanted. Yeah, too bad he doesn't feel the same way. Or does he? Either way, it's a summer Cailyn will never forget. 
          "Your Pants Look Better On My Floor ;)" 
          A story about a troubled teen, named Tomorrow. After loosing her father, she and her mother don't get along too well. Living in a shadow for so long, Tomorrow realized how unhappy she is. So after getting arrested and having to move into a foster family's home, she feels as if this her last chance to prove to be someone. And that cute boy in the next room? Well, that's just part of the adventure. 
          & finally 
          "Unlimited Flirting." 
          After being in a abusive relationship for so long, Harmony finds herself in the hospital - with a pretty ugly scar haunting her face. Put there by the boy she thought she loved. After receiving devastating news; her parents & boyfriend getting killed in a car accident, Harmony is forced to move in with a grandmother she never met before & pretends to be deaf.


Hey I was wondering if you could possibly read my story? It's called "Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight" 
          In know these can get pretty annoying but hey that's what we authors have to deal with right? Lol 
          Well hope you read it! Maybe comment, vote, and maybe maybe fan? Please and thank you! 
          Nightraven896 xoxo XD