
this message may be offensive
The environment is so fucked. Pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement in his first day of office. The US is already a top contributor of fossil fuel use. I can’t even imagine how the next 4 years will impact climate change. 
          	This is not even mentioning the genuine danger we have of losing gay marriage rights, mass deportations begin in Chicago today. Trumps tax plan was revealed which increases takes on all US citizens except the top 5 percent of income makers who get a dramatic tax cut. Defunding education. Making abortion even less accessible. 
          	The threat of sending troops into states to deal with citizens that refuse to comply with outing illegal immigrants. The threat of stationing troops on the borders of anti abortion states, stopping women who are in need of an abortion from leaving. The threat of colonizing Canada, Greenland, taking back the Panama canal. All equally unnecessary and yet I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried it. 
          	Watching clips of the inauguration makes me wonder how the US is going to survive as a country, I won’t be surprised if there is a revolution in the next few years. I hope there is, for the sake of a better future for the generations after us. 


this message may be offensive
The environment is so fucked. Pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement in his first day of office. The US is already a top contributor of fossil fuel use. I can’t even imagine how the next 4 years will impact climate change. 
          This is not even mentioning the genuine danger we have of losing gay marriage rights, mass deportations begin in Chicago today. Trumps tax plan was revealed which increases takes on all US citizens except the top 5 percent of income makers who get a dramatic tax cut. Defunding education. Making abortion even less accessible. 
          The threat of sending troops into states to deal with citizens that refuse to comply with outing illegal immigrants. The threat of stationing troops on the borders of anti abortion states, stopping women who are in need of an abortion from leaving. The threat of colonizing Canada, Greenland, taking back the Panama canal. All equally unnecessary and yet I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried it. 
          Watching clips of the inauguration makes me wonder how the US is going to survive as a country, I won’t be surprised if there is a revolution in the next few years. I hope there is, for the sake of a better future for the generations after us. 


If anyone's interested in writing a Stefan Salvatore book, please PM me. I have a really interesting idea that heavily involves the Mikaelsons (more specifically, Klaus). My idea is bxb cause I just love reading gay stories, so if you aren't comfortable writing that DONT MESSAGE. 


U got me blushing with the reading list names ❤️❤️❤️


            im glad u liked it, i should be updating next week
            need to get back into the mindset of writing klaus again


@ViaVolterra one of your friends recommended and I had to reread again, I can't believe I forgot to save the book the first time :)


I am the luckiest bitch ever yall 
          I got a snow day tmr, istg my begging to mother nature actually worked for once
          Now my geometry and chemistry finals that were supposed to be on Friday are pushed to Monday 
          So now I have more time to prepare for said geometry final 
          I could actually do this yo


            Nah, I might now go to school because of storms tomorrow lol. Ironic, innit?


When I get notifications from Wattpad about people replying to my comments, I used to be able to just click on the notification and it would take me right to that comment where the reply is. Now, I have to search for the comment I left and the reply. Is this happening to anyone else too, or did this happen to anyone else? And is there a way to fix it?


I don't know if this is considered offensive, but tbh I'm so concerned about this that I'm going to push my fear of offending someone aside.
          So I'm 14 years old, ok, and I've never had an issue in school. In elementary, I was considered a gifted kid and once I moved to public schools with a GPA I've averaged a 3.9-4.0 for 4 years now. So my school won't test me for this. 
          I am genuinely convinced I am autistic. I took the RAADS-R test, which is 65+ you are likely autistic, and ended up with a 169.. I've taken a lot of other quizzes on less reliable sites and it always comes up as 'oh yeah, definitely autistic. Go get that diagnosed.'  I talked to my school counselor about it but she said I was probably just tricking myself into thinking I am, cause a lot of neurotypical people can relate to the general symptoms? of autism. At first, I was like, yes that's definitely it, but the more research I did, the more people I talked to, the more I paid attention to myself and thought about my childhood, the more convinced I've been that I'm autistic. Plus, many people have been saying that autism is something that when you self-diagnose, you are almost always correct. Not sure if that's true it's just what people online with autism told me.
          I think my main problem now is, how do I talk to my parents about it? My mom is unintentionally judgy, she speaks about how 'lucky' our family is that we didn't end up with disorders or health problems. In reality, at least I know I've probably had multiple and she just never got me diagnosed because she didn't want to admit we weren't a perfect family. And my dad, isn't judgy, but is very ignorant in some ways and will probably think that I'm a different person or that things will change about me once I'm diagnosed. Does anyone know how I could bring this conversation up to them, what would convince them that being diagnosed would do good for me, and most of all what I should do to make the diagnosis process go smoothly?


            Glad I could help! If you need any other advice my DMs are always open! 


@Percabeths1reader I'll definitely look into scheduling my own appointment, I never even thought of that. I have friends that can drive if I can find that sort of option. I hope everything works out well for your brother, too and he can get diagnosed if that's what he wishes for. 


@CH3M1CR TY sm, I've told my friend group my issue and they basically said "oh yeah, I kind of assumed that but just never brought it up" so there's people other than just me seeing this.. I've started hinting at it with other people as well just to get an outside opinion. I'll probably start hinting at it toward my parents, too. As you said. I hope your situation works out for you!!!