
i just unpublished text me to fix the book. i will begin working on it again. i also might start working on another book as i was not happy with text me after a while. please look forward to my future works. thank you for your support. if any stay need someone to talk to during this time, text me on st4rrychan on instagram or st4rrych4n on twitter. i’ll be strong for you all. we can get through this. i love you.
          	- sung


i just unpublished text me to fix the book. i will begin working on it again. i also might start working on another book as i was not happy with text me after a while. please look forward to my future works. thank you for your support. if any stay need someone to talk to during this time, text me on st4rrychan on instagram or st4rrych4n on twitter. i’ll be strong for you all. we can get through this. i love you.
          - sung