
//AU time
          “So…what if, hypothetically, I was, hypothetically again, like, in love with you now? Hypothetically.”


            “good, please never shut up.”    she grinned, looking at him.    “and i— you think so.??”    her cheeks went a light shade of pink at the compliment. 
            [ i cant remember- ] 


            “I’ll never shut up.” Mattie laughed, putting his arms around her loosely. This meant thing were fine, right? “You’re like, extra pretty when you smile too so.”
            //were they any good?


            it took her a moment, but she started smiling brightly, hugging him tightly.    “shut upp.”    she mumbled quietly, a habit that meant she was very flustered. she didn’t really want him to be quiet, and she couldn’t stop smiling. 
            [ surprisingly, iii watched those movies- ( i didnt know they had a fandom and i also have no clue what that is-) ]


“So, Zuko, about last night…”


            “i think lettuce likes this shared custody thing we have going on— but i gotta figure out how to make her stop sleepin’ on my hair.!”    she protested, small frown on her lips. 
            in all honesty, she was trying to move the topic away from her not gone-love for him, because what he said made her heart ache. but obviously, she isn’t stupid, so she did what anyone else would do— change the subject, fake a smile.    “maybe if you hadn’t been rude and you’d let me touch your flow more, that would’ve been it. but oh weellll.”    she shrugged, finally bringing herself to look at him with a bright smile. for someone with a broken heart, she was doing a very good job at hiding her feelings— maybe she should’ve been an actress. all she had to do was simply not notice all her favorite qualities of him, the ones that made her smile so much it hurt, and the ones that would make her face feel hot after thinking about him, sounded easy. she just hoped she wouldn’t fail miserably at this. 


            “I’m still gonna be flattered that I was something you had to get over.” He said with a grin. “Ugh, we coulda gotten married and given Lettuce a proper home. And we both know it was my flow, c’mon.”
            He ran a hand through his admittedly gorgeous hair. Mattie was, and this is said with love, a mess. He really did seem like the ideal guy from the outside. He was tough, but not in any weird mean way. He was kind, liked to joke around, and he was cute. But so much of that had some little downside he tried to hide. 
            He was tough because that was all he could be if he wanted to survive. He was kind because he knew how much it hurt when people weren’t. And the jokes were a bit of a cover, frankly. As for cute, he was just cute. 


            “i already told you how— see.? your ‘flow’ had nothin’ to do with it.”    she joked, still not looking at him.    “don’t worry ‘bout it and don’t apologize for it, already told you, i’m over you.”   here was another lie said so easily that even she doubted it was a lie— yet one glance at him was enough to reminded her otherwise.


“Go to sleep, you’re drunk.”


            “If you say so.” Sometimes maybe that kindness was annoying. Mattie really believed he wouldn’t bring this up again. He didn’t want to, but it would eat away at him until he did. Because, really? Him? Who wants an idiot whose career is a speedrun to CTE?
            But Zuko went to sleep, so Mattie wrapped her up in a blanket and put her in bed before going to sleep on the couch. Which yes, looked hilarious because of his height. 


            “we’re never talkin’ ‘bout this again, mattie. ever. me muero.”    she slurred, knowing she’d never be able to even look at him, or herself in a mirror if they ever talked about it again whilst she was sober. she wasn’t being dramatic, she’d probably die— she’d probably cry too, and crying once in front of him was enough. hugging her knees, with her head leaning on his arm, she simply fell asleep.


            “If you say so. Go to sleep now.” He said, patting her head awkwardly. “I’ll let my mom know you think she did a good job.”
            Really, what was he supposed to say to that? It was good to know the effort paid off, that he was actually nice and kind, and that someone thought he was cute. Tall was something of a given. 
            “We can talk about this in the morning if you want, okay?”


“It’s not as bad as it looks, okay?” Mattie asked, but he didn’t even give her the chance to really look before he rushed back to the bathroom. It was bad. Both of his eyes were black, one swollen shut, his forehead was sliced open just above his eye, and he was walking with a limp. 


            “i’m good amor, was just worried. but i won’t yell at him, don’t worry.”    she patted his head.    “i promise yelling won’t happen.” 
            [ thats basically what she said, yea- :> ]


            “Pizza always works.” He said. “You good? That was probably pretty freaky. And I’m sorry. Just don’t yell at Harry next time you see him cause then he’ll yell at me.”
            //my Spanish is utter garbage but did she threaten to kill that woman if she does something lol


            “uhm— i think i want pizza, if that works.”    she shrugged. she didn’t consider herself to be a picky eater, she was fine eating whatever, she simply chose the first thing she thought of. 


Zuko had for some reason decided to visit Mattie. Probably because they were friends. Unfortunately for all, she hadn’t warned him beforehand. So, when she walked into his apartment, she was met with him singing “September Gurls” into a whisk while he cooked. With his headphones on, he didn’t even know she was there. 


            grinning, she moved closer to him, picking up the whisk, hugging him and standing on her tip toes to kiss his cheek.    “what i just saw was definitely not nothing baby, and it will never ever ever be nothing.”    she giggled, still grinning.    “what’re ya makingg.?”    she asked, turning to the food once she noticed he was cooking. 


            Mattie continued singing along, half dancing too, until he saw Zuko. He went as pale as if he’d seen a ghost, dropped the whisk and began to laugh. 
            “You didn’t see anything!” He cackled, taking off the headphones. “You saw nothing!”


            zuko couldn’t stop herself from laughing quietly as she watched mattie, covering her mouth so she could at least do it discretely. it was a very amusing sight to see, and she was very tempted to simply hug him to announce her presence, but she chose to keep watching and wait for him to notice her. 


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“Zuko. I fucked up.” Mattie mumbled, running his hands through his hair. “What’re you crying about?”


            “i wish— snakes are so cool.!”    she looked at her nose, blinking quickly and scrunching up her nose.    “i would never eat poor innocent puppies. maybe a horse, but not puppies.”    she went along with what he said, finding it funny, distracting and sort of cute.


            “I dunno. Figured your jaw unhinges like a snake or something.” He said, tapping the tip of her nose. If she didn’t want to talk, that was fine, but it wasn’t going to stop him from acting a fool to try and help. “And why, figured that was just your true evil nature shining through.”


            “ew, you cruel, cruel monster— how and why would i do that.??”    she asked, her grin turning into a more genuine, small smile as she loosened her arms around him. she chose to ignore the fact that he knew she was lying, not really ready to talk about what had happened. she would probably end up crying again, and she’d  make herself sick. 


Renfield was honestly having a grand time by his standards. He was out, soft moonlight on his skin, and it was quiet. No feelings, no needs, invading his own. So despite looking like hell, he was walking down the street whistling a little song and spinning around on occasion. 
          And by hell I mean that he was in what looked like plain white pajamas and pale blue slippers. Still his clothes from the hospital. They’d transferred him to a new room and well, Renfield was small and tricksy. He’d simply slipped between the bars and walked away. It was getting out of the jacket that was trouble. He looked exhausted, despite the sparkle in his eyes, and his hair was just a bit too long and too messy. 


            “it’s okay, really.”    she shrugged. she was desperately wishing she’d taken up her friends offers and had at least one drink, but she remembered she had to drive. stupid driving.    “where exactly do you want to go anyway.? maybe i could help you find your way there, or at least move away from this place, you could get hurt here.”    she asked— she was trying her best to be polite, but that wasn’t exactly a something she had  mastered, especially around strangers. it was easier to be around people she knew.    “are you going to kill me.?”    she ended up saying, not even thinking about it, or realizing she’d said it. 


            Renfield looked taken aback. Not offended, more just surprised because really? What ever happened to manners? Even lacking all decency, he still maintained the basic ability to be polite. 
            “Bike.” He repeated. Then his head jerked quite suddenly to the side and he snapped at nothing. “Be quiet!”
            Then back to her. 
            “I apologize.”


            “right now.? you’re in my way, no offense.”    she blurted out.    “i don’t really know where we are though, i’m not from this area, i just know where i have to go. i’m just walking to my bike.” 


“Do you think I’d be a good dad?”
          //mattie getting weird


            “so you’d be planning to have mini-you betray me and my trust, okay, and i mean— yeah, i guess so. but what if it isn’t a real tall and big kid.? i’d assume that would make it less painful, and it would literally be mini-you then, since it would be short.” 


            “I was thinking the baby would be like a mini-me and you’d trust it so I could like give it water balloons to throw at you and then I realized it would probably be super tall too so like. Big baby means hard birth. Right?”


            “how does your brain even work.??”    she giggled.    “that’s not how it works, at all. not with humans at least— how did you go from toddler you to babies exploding out.?? i’m curious in your logic, please explain that bit.? and how are you going to use me being a good friend against me.??”


“Zuko? I don’t feel-I don’t feel so good.” Mattie mumbled, pressing a hand to his head. He’d been out of the hospital for a couple of days and he was staying with Zuko until his brother could come. Right after he spoke, he began to claw at his sleeves. 
          “Get them off! Off!” He shrieked. 
          //don’t worry. Me and Mattie here got hard heads


            “he’s breathing, and he’s moving, sort of,”    she said, catching his head this time so it wouldn’t hit the floor again. taking a cushion from her couch to put under his head. once she’d done that, she tried to roll him to his side, which took her a moment but she managed to do it. she then took everything she though could hurt him away, and when she was done, she sat next to him.    “it’s gonna be okay mattie, you’ll be okay.”    she muttered, though it was unclear if it was to him or to herself. 
            she didn’t know if she should touch him, so she didn’t, simply staying near him and watching in case anything happened. she decided to hum a son she liked, seeing if it helped her be less panicked, which it mostly did, but seeing her best friend in the state he was brought the panic back if she stopped. in the end, she ended up singing quietly while she waited for harry. 


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            “Is he moving? Breathing? Anything?” Harry insisted. “Look, if he’s not you need to call an ambulance fucking immediately. If it seems like he’s coming out of it, I’m on my way and we’ll take him to the hospital. You need to put him on his side, okay? And make sure there’s nothing he can hit his head on if it happens again. And any necklaces or stuff around his neck needs to come off. Think of him like a baby right now, okay? If there’s a possibility it could hurt him, move it. And be careful. He can’t control his movements and he’s strong. Stronger during a seizure if that’s what this is. I’ll be five minutes. Talk to him.”
            Mattie was beginning to move more, trying to lift his head only for it to fall pathetically back onto the floor. He tried again, same thing. He was making noise too, wordless groans. 
            It felt as if something had stretched every part of him out. He had no strength left, even lifting his hand felt impossible. And it hurt. It hurt so very much. The fear would come soon, once he was awake enough to realize he didn’t know what had happened.


            “i— i don’t know if he’s okay.”    were the first words out of zuko’s mouth. she then proceeded to tell him everything that had happened to the best accuracy she could, including how she’d gotten smacked in the face— the only thing she left out was her lack of inspiration for songwriting, because she found it both unimportant and a bit depressing.     “how long do you think it’ll take you to get here.?”    she asked once she’d finished, very clearly still panicking. 