
Kristhine I'm really sorry that I have been ignoring you, I wanted to tell you something but I was really scare that you might get mad at me. Since the beginning of school well I have been really shellfish but i just don't show it. I feel really jealous when you hangout with Christine instead of me. I feel like if you were replacing me. I'm not really good at expressing my feelings or talk about them. I don't expect us to be friends again, because I know you are mad at me I only wanted to apologize. I don't deserve a friend like you but Christine does I know she is better then me because she doesn't get mad at stupid things.  Well now on I'm not you friend anymore, I don't want to hurt your feelings anymore. 


@krisylovesminyoongi I already told you and an very lazy to text it again.


I still did dumb stuff just because I couldn't tell you the truth Madelyn and Michell were always encouraging me to tell you but I was scare, sometimes they got mad at me because I didn't told you. They are really great girls and I bet Christine too. I'm glad I meet you. Bye