

Will try to update the next chapter tomorrow. Thnk you for tagging along and apologies for the late update.   : )


@ivystarflower Alhamdulillah, I am doing good. What about you?


@sumshere Hey Author! How you doing? 


Alright, hello to all of you. I do not wish to leave you all in uncertainty. You have all been really kind, despite my tardiness. But I do have a reason for doing so. I couldn't finish the last section of the chapter, so I only finished about 3/4 of it. I have an exam this week. I'm not sure if I'll have time to write this by then and upload it on time. However, I want to apologize and say that, insha'Allah, I'll be back to being regular after the exam. I would like to thank everyone for their understanding.❤️


@sumshere have u posted the next chapter? Saw your tweet about the new update but I can’t view the chapter 


@ivystarflower Yeah, I have the books backed up. And thank you ❤. I'm done with my exams now. Getting back to  home right now. I will be getting back to writing the remaining part as soon as I clear my mind.❤


Writing a longer chapter. And I'm so done with my schedule. I feel terrible for being so late. I really want to update it now, but I need to add one more scene. I'm sorry, guys. I'll be posting an update on  April 17th now.. ❤️


@ivystarflower  @R12011 and other readers. 
          Guys I apologize for being so late this time around. I had a strict timetable to stick to, and it continues to be so. However, I have finished most of the recent chapter and need to add 2-3 more things. But I really want to post tomorrow, and I hope things don't get sidetracked by anything else. Thank you so much for sticking around. Once again, I apologize. You're all so sweet. : )