
i cant actually get into my main account which is where all my poems are , so the book will be on hold at the moment. i’m really sad :(


hey , it’s been a while, but i’m finally back and i’m refreshed i guess. i missed you all especially my fav authors i can’t wait to read your poetry and spam you lol . i took down her reality because i didn’t like it , it felt forced to be a pretty format and be full of pain idk, but i will have a book coming in august and it’ll be my raw feelings, very personal. i love you all <3 


hey. i know i haven’t been on here for a while. i just didn’t like my writing. it felt forced & i’m trying to find my passion for it again. i’ll still try to support my favorite poets (you know who you are). but this account will start over. i’m gonna try to edit and finish her reality before the year is over, but after that imma take a break for a while. i hope you understand ✨ um i do i another account if you’re interested that’s where i’m most at. it’s @leeepunzel


@fallingstxrss it's fine hon, whenever you're ready. We all need a break sometimes. Don't be harsh on yourself.
            Love you ♥
            Ps: your writing is wonderful.