
my active account is @HYUCKIENESE .


this message may be offensive
what appalls me, and makes me laugh at the same time is how y'all write smut stories, not knowing fully how sex works. let me educate you, if you want to write smut.
          safe words– one of the most important, but least stated things i see on here. safe words are literally to PROTECT you against rape, harassment, or doing something you internally don't want to do. what is it? you and your partner, before intercourse decide a word you say when you feel off put, or you feel uncomfortable in the scene. a lot of people do the red light, orange light, green light thing. red light means stop completely, orange light means stop for a few, green light means it's fine. you should regularly check up on your partner and make sure they are fine with what you are doing.
          lube– please, gay fanfiction writers, if i see any of you guys writing gay smut where BOTH of the people have penises, i'm fucking leaving. having sex without lube is PAINFUL. 
          P A I N F U L. PLEASE.
          and no, you can't have a vibrator inside you for two days, you will fucking die. and if i see any of you dumb fuckers normalizing rape, using it in a good intention, and even more if people support them, i will fucking take you to the grave. no way in hell, should that be okay. never. ever. excuses are only said because you know you're in the wrong. fuck you if you do that.


@ 127PERCENT  oh lmao...the emoji's are gone HAHAHA...umm..  *CLAPS ANGRY*


you really just dipped than said sike


@strawberrws yes now read my books or die mfer


@sunnydrops danm you really dropped yourself, I still missed the air between ur pants my bro