
Hey guys! 
          	Sorry no new chapter have been released lately i’m finishing it v hard to write this one chapter i must have re written it many many times. I just hate how it keeps turning out but i’ll try get a few chapters out as soon as possible <3 


Hey guys! 
          Sorry no new chapter have been released lately i’m finishing it v hard to write this one chapter i must have re written it many many times. I just hate how it keeps turning out but i’ll try get a few chapters out as soon as possible <3 


Hey Loves! 
          Oh my goodness i can’t believe it! I came on Wattpad today to be greeted with 1K reads!! Ahhh i cannot believe it i’m so so so so thankful for for every single one of my followers or even just the people that read Perfectly Imperfect. I cannot thank you all enough! I am so shocked and was honestly so speechless when i saw. As a big thank you to all you guys i’ll release a bunch of parts later tonight and i’m gonna be messaging a bunch of you to personally thank you <333


Hey loves! 
          i came down w a water infection the past few days  Not fun! So i’ve had a rough few days But i am on many many drugs (prescribed ones i promise) and feeling a lot better! I’m gonna spend so much of tm writing parts will start coming out monday <33


@sunsetsharmony my mom had that one time so i understand so happy youre feeling better tho cant wait


Hi again! 
          In the first chapter of my story i’ve added a description of Delilah because i realised you guys don’t know what she looked like! To be honest i hadn’t put much thought into it either. Please go read the small description i have of her and tell me if it’s what you pictured! 


Hiya everyone! 
          I’m so sorry i haven’t posted in a while my last few days of school have been sooo tiring! I’m now on my holidays for 2 weeks and i’m gonna be focusing on writing a bunch of chapters so there will be so many new fun chapters coming soon xx 


Hiya Lovelies, Sorry i didn’t post when i said schools made me go a little out of it but i just posted a new part and have quite a few in my drafts that i will be releasing i’ve had a very productive last few days so there will be many parts coming v soon go read part ‘Emily?’ now