
Read my books "CONSUME" and the sequel "DEVOUR." The first book is complete and fully published, while the second one is ongoing. I'm super proud of both so read when you can :p


I noticed that you followed me and i dont mean to be annoying  but thaank you sooo much you are my very first follower. Will you read my book. Its not completed but i think you might like it.


No thank you


@songer585 omg, i never even saw this, sorry for not replying!! yes of course i will, thanks!


(ik this is probably really annoying but you don't have to do it) Hi love! Can you check out my book "Spell"? It's basically a Grayson Dolan fanfic and has a comedy-romance taste to it. It would mean a lot to me if you did and yeah, don't forget you're beautiful! <3