
Hey! It’s been a long long time. I never forgot about any of you guys. You’ll all be glad to know I got a BOYFRIEND of almost two years now. I want to get back into writing so if you see random updates pls don’t hesitate to read lmao. 


I really liked your rollercoaster fanfic! I would love it if you’d write another book for the Jonas brothers, because almost no one does that nowadays.
          Great book!


Thank you very much!!! I was thinking about it and I might! I know I always look and there’s like nothing nowadays 


Hello :) uhm i just wmated to ask if you were gonna still update "moral of the story" story? Im qorry if you said it already somewhere but yea. I just rrly like that story


@strawperryflavoured oh okay yeyyy :)) and its totally okay just wondering. Have a nice day xx


@strawperryflavoured and don’t be sorry! It’s ok, I got you! 


Awww yeah I am :) I lost motivation but I’ve found my spark again. Thank you so much for reading it!! 


@supernatural672019 hey just to say with the lyrics on the description for the jonas brothers rollercoaster oneshots are wrong because you put those days around the world when it is actually those days that are the worst! Sorry just to point it out! No offense!


Omg your good. I knew it sounded wrong so I looked it up and it said the same thing so I left it, but now that I look more into it and I really should have known It was wrong lmao. Thank you and please I take no offense! Your good!


this message may be offensive
I just have to say this really fast because I'm tired of seeing people complain about other people's writing. If you don't like it then don't read it, simple. You should know going into a fandom that their are going to be kinks, and some weird shit, and if you don't like it then don't read it. Also some book writers write to help with some traumatic events that have happened to them so if they need to use writing as an outlet, let them. Using characters, and celebrities are normal that's why it's fanfiction people. Yes there is some fucked up shit, but there are also really good shit. Don't go around spreading hate because no one asked or cares. 


@supernatural672019 // IKR ♥️
            Like, you yourself can't write anything and the go on hating on people who do-


Also most of the time writers don't do the “research” because I know for me, sometimes I'm lazy so I understand. Don't make a fuss to the author unless you do it politely and tell them what to change. I have had people help me in my books and I appreciate it. If your annoyed leave or take a break and come back, don't go on a rant silently calling authors out. TPWK 


IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! And I would also just like to say I will be updating all of my books very soon. Love you! 


@supernatural672019 Happy Birthday. Hope that you have a good day!!!


Happy birthday!! 