
And a new.. long awaited ... chapter of my Flash fic is up!! Tell me what you think!!! 


Ughhhhh I hate that I haven’t updated in ages. I’m sorry for that, I’ve been busy finishing my course but I’m finally free and ready to finish off some chapters now that I have heaps of time to work on my book!! Stay tuned new chapter this week!!


I woke up the other morning hearing about the shootings in Florida. It is honestly so heartbreaking to see such hate and violence in the world. So many people have suffered so much through this tragedy, mentally and physically and it’s so sad to see this. My prayers go out to the students who have died, all who have been injured and to all the families who lost their loved ones ❤️. 


thank you for adding Ghost Whisperer too you're reading list it means the world too me love ❤


@daydreamingxox do you know how much it means too me that you love the book like it makes me so freaking happy and joyful thank you so much sweetie ❤


@AIIyArgentism Of course :D I love the book and like to add books I think other people NEED to read on my reading list xx