
I might switch to Fanfiction. Net. Wattpad is not what it used to be... If I do move I'll make a new fanfiction account and tell you beauties.


the update sucks I hate it so much I've been on this platform for 6 years and I have never been paid! The ads all go to wattpad not us at all! And personally I don't want to get paid for my writing, I do it for the fandom and the fandom gives back other stories and ideas and helpful comments. We fangirl/boy together! And if they want to get paid please go to Tapas not here! This is a family that just likes reading free stories in the dark lol.  talking about the dark, WTF white? If I want a different colour like original orange I have to pay? Let's be honest here most of use read in the dark and white is gonna kill are retinas. Brown would've been better even. Wattpad think about the people who used this platform for years and years before giving the new comers the choices that affect us every day wattpadders. And why change the format again. The two last updates I said nothing but this is toooo farrr. NOW wattpad is lagging and I'm writing but the page is 10 words behind me like Wtffff! How am I supposed to write ? I may just switch fanfiction . net if this doesn't change soon. I wish I could record how lagging the writing is, I'm not even exaggerating! that's the sad part. if you also agree with me. Please comment on the Play store or Apple store and show your concern. tell them the technical difficulty your facing and the dislike of the update.