
                       her gaze returned to his at the nudge to her side,       she laughed.       he wouldn’t ever have her live that down,       would he?        “I thought I was forgiven for that!”        she said,      her smile as wide as ever.        she,      now,      was genuinely apologetic for her actions toward him,       though. . .        it was somewhat of a joke,      sort of between them now.        “how can I be forgiven?”        she hummed,      a bit flirtatious,     lifting her head in order to face him.


                     “you would be.”         she grinned,          appearing amused by him.          she was beginning to think they wouldn’t watch the movie at all—         and she was content with the prospect of it.        she tilted her head up,          looking at him from his shoulder.          she nodded,         “definitely,        him and stiles,      right?”       she said.          she laughed lightly,       turning away once more,        “nah.        I’m not a teen wolf,”        she smiled,       teasingly at him,        “you would be,      though,       Isaac.“       she nudged him with an arm.  


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                       she nodded,        pleased by the affirmation.         she scooted in a bit closer as an arm came around of her shoulder,          smiling lightly,         as she glanced up at him momentarily.        “thirteen?         you were watching this when your were three?”        she laughed lightly at him,        clicking on it,       she rested her head against his shoulder,        smiling a bit to happily for all of this.        the movie began,       “clearly,       with all this shit we have going on—         we definitely could.”        she laughed softly.       “who would be the main character?         …er—”          she paused,          unsure. 
          * / we’re breaking the fourTH WALL 


                       a smile appeared across of her face,         she gave him a nudge with her shoulder in return.        “tell me what you conclude,”        she told him,       laughing softly.        she pulled it up on her computer,        bringing a blanket over to them.        “painting?”       she asked,       shaking her head,      “not anymore,       though I used to—“      she explained,        distractedly as she opened the movie.        “I’d thought you’d seen it already?”        she said,      laughing softly,        “ah,      of course.      accuracy is always important—         we should make our own,”       she suggested,     teasingly. 


          she smiled faintly,         her fingers coming through her hair.         “yeah?”       she asked,       a laugh coming from her,        “even after I stabbed you?”        she joked,         grinning.          she followed after her,      climbing onto her bed,      she pulled her computer onto her lap.        “teen wolf,       right?”       she laughed softly,      “yeah—        I used to get paint everywhere when I tried to paint,      so,     I’m good.”      she smiled,        that’d been the only reason she’d allowed them to get it everywhere. 


                        she nodded,          how had their conversation grown sour?           she reached out to him,        squeezing his shoulder with her hand lightly.           “he’d shoot me down in a second,”          she agreed,        smiling reassuringly at him.         “trust me,”       a smile came across of her face once more,         “I am.”        she bit her lip.         she hadn’t thought much of where either,         “we can go inside if you want?        my parents—      er,       my dad,       isn’t home,”        she suggested,      nodding toward the window,          her expression softening at the thought.         her father wouldn’t be home for some time—         she hoped,        anyway.       “good then,”        she smiled lightly,       capturing her bottom lip in between her teeth. 


          she shook her head.         “no,        you’re most definitely right.”           she’d decided on,          “he’d definitely tell me to get over it,”         she could picture it in her mind’s eye.        he’d lost everything,        as had isaac—           but he wouldn’t tell her that.          right?          he hadn’t,        anyway.        she laughed,        a grin across of her face—        “should I be flattered?”        she asked,        “definitely flattered,         anyway,”        she decided on,       jokingly.        “right now?”        she asked,      hesitant,       she didn’t see why not.         she wouldn’t have been able to sleep,      anyway.        “yeah—“        a smile came across of her face again,         “okay,        let’s watch it?”       she decided.          “okay,         but,      I make no such promise,”          she said,       grinning. 


* ⁝         @frozenchildhood 
                    she grinned,         beginning to laugh at his comment.           she scrunched up her nose,        thinking of crying in front of derek,       the sour wolf,          “you wish I was on your shoulder,”           she smiled softly at him,       all in good-humor,           she stood a little way away—        by the edge of the roof,         “I take back what I said.       you were great.      he’d be awful,        he’d the type to give me one of those awkward shoulder pats,”         she smiled lightly.         “I’d hoped you aren’t scaling many girls’ houses,        lahey,”       she nudged,       chuckling,        “you’re teetering a fine line on creepy,”         she teased.        she nodded,       “good.       when?        where?” 


* ⁝        @frozenchildhood  
                    she watched him,        seeing as he teetered along the edge of the roof.         she shouldn’t have been nervous about the mattered.        she’d known he’d be okay.        he wouldn’t fall,        and if he did,         he’d heal.        she chuckled softly,        following him to the edge.       “sure,       I’ll keep that in mind,”         she didn’t cry in front of many people,         she planned that to be the last time she cried in front of isaac despite her words.        “you act as if you weren’t incredibly awkward about the matter,”          she teased in return.       she shook her head at him,        “a gentlemen?”       she asked a teasing bit of doubtfulness in her voice,         she smiled—            “girls?       as in plural?”       she laughed,       amused.       “teen wolf…?”        she blinked,      “that’s almost a little too fitting,”       she smiled,       “it’s perfect,      yeah?” 


* ⁝         @frozenchildhood 
                   she,        frankly,      had thought they’d return to one another in a matter of time,        her and Scott—          but as the time took it’s toll,        she no longer felt the need to,         didn’t see why—         maybe,       that was partially due to someone else too,         however.        her eyes shifted to him,       “thank you,”      she murmured,      attempting to smile in return,         she was glad he hadn’t left.       after a second,       she allowed his hand to fall from her own.       “sure,        definitely.        when I’m better composed—        I’ll try not to cry on you next time around.”        she murmured,        brushing her hand through her hair,       attempting to joke about the matter,        “a movie?”        she asked,       she liked the idea.         it was easy and fun,        she nodded.         “a movie it is,          which one?”       she asked,     interlacing her freezing hands with one another.