
.Hey my dumplings!
          	Published Possessing The Brat, Chapter-12.
          	Here's the link!


Look author. Stop writing stories where the guy is a manwhore and the girl is celibate/virgin. You are a lady atleast be kind towards your own gender. You think men have needs but women don’t. Looks like you come from a family where women are treated like things or considered irrelevant. Ppl like you are bad for the young generation because you write sexism, misogyny toxic patriarchy in your stories and consider them valid. This is a public platform so make sure your work doesn’t impact people who read negatively. If you believe in equality then just try to atleast show it in your work. You have no idea how messed up your stories. I hope you’re old and mature enough to realize how seriously ill some of your work is. 


@hp141414 look who is talking , you are reading stepbrother smut story and preaching about family values 


Hey my dumplings!
          Published Possessing The Brat, Chapter-11.
          Here's the link!


That’s amazing go on we are waiting for another chapter 