
HEY! I just published a teaser for the fantasy novel I am currently writing! It won't be out until later on this summer, but here is a sample snippet from later on in the book! If you want to be notified when it goes up, add it to reading list! Hope you enjoy! :) 


Hello! If you ever read this message then I want you to know that I have started to continue reading Predatory! I am slowly starting to go back into the fandom and after reading a chapter I forgot for a minute how amazing this is! I still remember the story but I will re-read it soon. You really have great writing talent :D ! 


@xIzumiee Hey! Wow its been a while hasn't it? Dang! I'm so glad you decided to stop by again! I haven't heard from you for a while and I was wondering how you've been lol. Also thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate it! I've been working really hard on a new script for Predatory actually, so I'm probably going to start rewriting it soon because I'm not entirely happy with it. :) Found any good fics recently?


Hey! Not sure if you're still using this but recently I've been using wattpad again. Sorry I put your story (Predatory) on on-hold for some time, I've been hopping from fandom to fandom haha.. But! Now that I'm looking at it again I'm thinking about continuing it again because I really loved it, I stopped because I started to like another fandom more than the transformers one and began to read more of the other fandom. But knowing me I always return to the same fandoms from time to time. If you read this, in a few days/weeks or in a few months, I hope you're doing well!
          - Izumi


I'm doing well at the moment, school is being rough too :C so I do all my reading at night which completely destroys my sleeping schedule...I will read the second book once I'm done with the first one lol, I really like stories with an actual plot with a decent amount of chapters like yours :D I also read on archive of our own but I don't have an account there because it's not needed to read lol. Wattpad has never given me any shady stuff like a virus or something so that's kinda weird lol. Winter break just ended for me and I hope the second semester will go better because the first one was not so great lmao. Exams were hard. Don't be anxious, I bet everything's going great for you :D You also a happy new year btw!


@xIzumiee  So happy to hear from you again! I totally get fandom jumping, i used to do it all the time! Also thanks for the kind words, I hope you're doing really well. :) I have been on a small unplanned hiatus from writing because school is rough ;-; I meant to continue posting but my schedule just made sure it wasn't possible. Anyway, I am doing construction on the plot of the second book in the series, Shattered Peace. I intend to ultimately rewrite book one due to the plot issues, but I know that if I did that now I wouldn't get anything else written, so I'm using that as my motivator lol. I may eventually switch to using Archive of Our Own instead, simply because Wattpad kept giving my phone viruses I suspect. But I'll probably continue posting here for a while as well. I hope you have an amazing semester and everything goes well! Ik I'm certainly anxious about mine. xD Happy New Year!


Hey again! So, I wanted to ask a few questions to all of my followers and readers! What are your thoughts on Dreadflight? Is she likable? And more important, does she seem believable? Just wanted to get a peer review and see what I need to work on. xD Any constructive criticism is appreciated! Also, I think now might be a good time to mention, this story (Predatory) is based on the concept of a redemption arc for the D.J.D. as well as the rest of the Decepticons. Because Tarn is Bae, and Bae does not deserve to die. So yeah! He's got a slight twist in his character!
          Love ya'll!


That's fantastic to hear! Welcome to my little fanfiction, thank you for reading! I appreciate the support! :)


@swordsandroses I like her. She is a well built character and interesting to follow. I can't wait to read more!


Hey guys! Just to update ya'll, there will be a Christmas chapter coming up this December. Also, I am working on the new portion of Predatory! Whoohoo! It's going to be focusing on the wacky adventures of the Peaceful Tyranny, which, as it turns out, is not actually that peaceful, and as the magnet on their refrigerator says, They Put the "Fun" in Dysfunctional. Anyway, that's all for now guys! Have a great week!


Can’t wait wooo !!! have a great week too !!


Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, but due to some technical/health/business issues, the next chapter will probably not be posted for a few days, school has been harsh lately, I feel like an Autobot trapped in Grindcore prison. *sigh* anyway, I hope to be posting soon!


(woops a bit late sorry but) Hey! It’s okay for delays ! Especially what’s going on wih you right now :c I hope all those issues will get solved realllly soon! Get well soon with your health issues ! And yeah school is hard for me too, have been studying for daysss now but it’s okay, you’ll do great  ! We all love and care about you ! ❤️ 