
Hey! If you all don't mind please read my others story: The Fall of Angels! It's not a fanfic, but I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a shot!


Hey I hope you're okay! Usually when writers go MIA on wattpad something tragic has happened in there everyday life or school is just toppling over you. Anyway what ever the circumstances I hope you're okay ❤️


@ginger_minge I'm perfectly fine, thank you so much for your concern! Yes lol, school has been hectic, I have SAT's coming up and classes are a pain. I'll try to get back to writing as soon as I can. <3


Hey everyone! I started writing a new story (no it's not fanfic), I would love it if you guys checked it out!!! It's a paranormal romance called Silver Wings.  Thank you so much for your love and support on More than Friends, I'll see if I can update sometime this week. Much love to you all 


That moment when you were supposed to update your chapter tonight but your Chemistry World History and Foreign Language teachers decide to give three projects for homework i one night -___-. If I don't update soon just remember who to blame