I'm Kat, I am a 23 year old college dropout who is a paraprofessional. I love astrology, the Greek gods, and mac and cheese. I've been writing since freshman year of high school, it's been like a cheap, entertaining form of therapy for me. One day I would love to be a published author, but for now, I'm more than content pouring my overzealous use of commas into fanfictions! 

I like Harry Potter, though I've long since grown from my Potterhead phase, it's still a part of me. Always.

Other fandoms I enjoy: kpop, Supernatural, Marvel, DC, LOTR/The Hobbit, and pretty much any other nerdy thing one could be into, honestly.

I'm not super active, but I hope to change that! I just need more hours in the day or motivation or the planets to shift into different placements.
  • Michigan
  • JoinedOctober 26, 2018
