
I moved another smut to AO3 :) 


I'm gonna start considering my fics as hidden gems that people find randomly when they need them most because whenever I start a new story and upload it, it takes around 30-34 weeks until more and more people come. 
          They are now hidden gems on the Internet and may be considered as such from now on.


@ManasiM87 I don't mean the statement to be aimed towards the algorithm, i know how that works, I generally aimed it to the ratio of followers to reads/views as I always tell people when a new story is posted for the first time. 
            Also, saying the statement helps my mental state of thinking I'm doing a poor job. Which isn't true according to my bestie as she says I'm underrated. 


That’s how I stumbled upon your books, as recommendations because I read something else


Anywayyyy, I'm super surprised that people enjoyed that dragon short I wrote. 
          It's one of my favourites, ngl, haha 
          I'll look through the shorts again and see which one I should move to AO3 next - though that'll be a while because there may be some editing or some of them, not so much for others. But we'll see :) 
          Also, the other day, there was a leak from 4chan that had about 48 show pilot bibles from Disney. I have them all, I've read through a decent chunk of them, and the stuff written is great - about half of them have character art, and one has character scripts, too, which is cool to see. 
          Anyway imma look at what short to post to AO3 next. 


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I be saying "fuck AI" whilst enjoying Isaac Asimov's works, "I, Robot" "The Positronic Man" and the novel "The Bicentennial Man" not the movie because Chris Columbus directed the movie "The Bicentennial Man" with the late Robin Williams.
          Cause it's so good. 
          I recommend the movie as well as the book.