
Hey Homies!! 
          	   I have posted the murder mystery ( one of my own fav zoner to write) finally. The prologue is posted soon will post the chapters. So please keep supporting & loving it too. 
          	  Follow my Instagram @kookvtales for more stories !! 
          	~ your author ♡


Hey Homies!! 
             Hopefully u all are doing well. 
          I'm here to inform that.. finally I got some free time from Insta so here I'm going to write one of my fav & dream story. 
             " MY CAPTAIN”- a love story since 1874 
          Ik many people will say that it's the copy of the famous captain Jeon but not like that. Ofc I'm inspired by that book but the story is totally based on my own thoughts & Ideas. May be some scenes will be inspired by it but not the whole story. 
            I hope u all like that & I'll soon bring that story. 
          : Your Author ♡