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          Whether you're Christian or not, this message is for you❤
          Do you know Satan nor Lucifer? yeah he's our enemy every single day, but if you look at the other side? you will never notice that you and Lucifer are now friends. Why? simply because you always/sometimes listening to his word, taking advantage of the moment to get what you want even you know what is wrong from right.
          But you know what? Lucifer is a liar, he tells you to do whatever you want to do, say whatever you want to say without realizing that it is already a SIN.
          Truth is always a truth, and OUR opinion is not important. When God say it's a sin? it is.
          As I said, Satan/ Lucifer is a liar, he always telling you that you are not WORTH IT, that you're not ENOUGH, that you are a BAD PERSON, A SINNER ONE, you're not pretty nor handsome, that you're not BELONG to this WORLD because even the WORLD hates you so much.
          That is how liar Lucifer is. He want you to be sad, to be depress. He's always smiling while looking at you suffering with those word.
          But GOD is always HERE for you, REMEMBER that God died in the cross to save you from your sin, don't let ANYTHING in this world RUIN your RELATIONSHIP with GOD. While Lucifer telling you to kill your self because of his nonsense reason like you are not ENOUGH?
          GOD always say…YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME because I created you BY MY IMAGE, you are ENOUGH, you are FORGIVEN BECAUSE JESUS CRIST DIED FOR YOU.
          HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH! If you have problem? don't run sweetie, go to GOD and let him change the way you talk, the way you think the way that everything you think can ruin your day for you to have sin.
          OUR GOD IS COMING SOON BUT WHAT? people are just relax and act like everything is ok but actually it's not BECAUSE OUR GOD IS COMING!
          Take his words, look away from your sin before it's too late.
          A/N: this is for all❤


@Enchanting_S    hey, uhmm yeah let just say he's your boo but do you know about your future? Let just say he's the one who always tells you that he's always there for you, but did he died in the cross to save you from that sin? is he the one who sacrifice his life to save this earth from sin that Satan made? God hates sin and God never made this sin but Satan does.
            Do you know that God is coming? yeah look at the world, if your reading the bible you should always prepare your soul and not your self. Hell is true. God is the way, the truth and the life so how can you say that i am spreading the lies? the decision is up to you, wheather you choose that life with Satan but Hell after the Second coming of Jesus or the God who gave that life to you, the God who is still willing to choose you even though you're with Satan, the God who died in the cross to save you from sin....all is up to you.


@DiosangShangShang *lots of heart* Thank you


@teataecup is online
          Happy jimin day~
          We love Jimin so much, and for his birthday we already had Jimin trend! Lets wish our love to have a great birthday with the members and staff!!
          Thank you! Have a great day/night
          @teataecup is offline
          She left a side note for you~
          <Hey~ just know that i love and purple you>


Guess what guys I am finally writing a story with imaginary characters not a fanfic so look forward to it


@taenaaaaaaa_ looooooooking forward *hope u write amazingly and get many readers and votes best of luck✌