
Sorry everyone 
          	Chapter were crapy and i am fixing them. Will update as soon as i can. 


Next week 
          i should have new chapters for Dream Stalker and A wolf's love. 
          By the way i am getting close to the end for Dream Stalker and i want to know if you lovely reader would like a series for this story. I have two ending in mind but i need to know if you( readers) would like a second book. so please let me know. 
          love you all


Sad News: 
          I no longer have a working computer at home. so I will be writing my stories out on paper and upload them whenever i can get to a computer or whenever i come to the library. so i plan to upload " A wolf's love" in two weeks. please someone remind me or there is a good chance i will forget. Also i am still rewriting " the vampire and the lover" just going to change a few things around. 
          Love you all kiss kiss