
Thank you dream smp 
          	You may never know how much you have done for not only me but all of the dump fandom with you, many people came together and bonded over the content it had
          	Most of us wouldn't have known techno and how much of a legend he is without you 
          	I wouldn't have written my first wattpad book and wouldn't have been on wattpad without you or meet the incredible people I have met and still know today
          	Goodbye forever and I and many damp fans will miss you but nothing lasts forever does it? 
          	It was always meant to be ❤


Thank you dream smp 
          You may never know how much you have done for not only me but all of the dump fandom with you, many people came together and bonded over the content it had
          Most of us wouldn't have known techno and how much of a legend he is without you 
          I wouldn't have written my first wattpad book and wouldn't have been on wattpad without you or meet the incredible people I have met and still know today
          Goodbye forever and I and many damp fans will miss you but nothing lasts forever does it? 
          It was always meant to be ❤


Hi guys so yeah I think most of you know about what I'm going to be talking about
          And I'm not good with these things but techno was one of the most wonderful people I looked up to but life is short
          Knowing he is gone hurts me but at the same time knowing he is in his happy place and finally finding peace makes me happy 
          Fly high technoblade we all will miss you 
          And I'm delaying the books to give me time to morn over this I hope everyone of you are okay 
          Till next time bye❤


WOW it's been to long huh? I have school, no ideas, I have a tiktok account where I tell people how loved they are, I am horrible at writing stories, never got much followers, I am stressed from all the things I have to do in one day, I don't have the time to be on my phone during the week and I don't deal good with anxiety. These are all reasons why I never posted here but this is a thank you to not unfollowing me and staying here ty even if it is only 7 I feel like I have gotten a tone of support by just getting followers you are special remember that ❤ especially my twin❤❤ it's been a crazy year and most of us started out bad but it will go great I know it❤ your loved and if not then I love you bye❤❤❤