
Hello everyone! so i've been MIA for a long while now, but I promise I'm truly back :) please check out my new poem broken when u get a chance..thanks


Oh its called The darkness and me it should be on my profile i just gotta upload i havent been uploading lately cuz i am too lazy so yeah ill add the new chaps and then ill let you choose whether you like it or not and thanks a hunch!!!!! 


Im in need of a poem for my story and i have read your poem "Unbearable pain" and i was wondering if i could feature it and the quote your user in the ending of the poem becuase i clearly can not write poetry =P so i hope you consider it and oh i love your poems they give me chills and they touch me (not in a rapeous way if thats even a word =P)
          <3 Zoie


Hey everyone ! It's been a longgg time since i've posted any new poems ....been having some sort of writers block....but i'm glad to say it's finally over :) . I have posted two new poem today so I hope you guys check them out, i'd really appreciate your feed back ...Thanks ^_^