hey-o. my name is taryn. i'm nineteen. and i laugh a lot more than the average human being. and it's like a really ugly laugh, like a dying seal, or whale, or cat, or any dying animal. i always procrastinate and never finish anyth--
(that wasn't funny. sorry.)
well, i try to write stuff, but my brain lacks imagination and commitment and i just fall apart and die. i'm also slightly in love with dylan o'brien. and kian lawley is my husband. welp, buh-bye.🤘🏼
  • i live in potato city where unicorns roam
  • JoinedJuly 22, 2015

Story by t
The Start of It All by taryn-
The Start of It All
this is how it started. the rest of her life. - This will just continue to be excerpts, or scenes as I think...
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