
Hi, it's been a while<3 I have only a few quick things to say!!
          	1. Remember the Detroit become human fanfoc I talked about last year? I've posted it on my Tumblr for those that would like to read it. I think I'm going to do one more part of it because there's still a little left of what I've written.
          	2. I've been thinking about perhaps ... rewriting my fanfictions? But not as fanfictions, as real novels with my own characters. Like I do with the ones I'm planning to send in to irl publishers. But instead, I post them here because i do think its a shame that this account "goes to waste" if that makes sense. I don't know if that would be read however, since it's not the boyz. If you want, please give me your thoughts to help me come to a conclusion♡
          	Thank you for reading, miss you all<3


I read your story 2020 taken by the Mafia I tried so many times to find this story now today in my Facebook memory I found a ss of your story I became so happy but no books are available if rewrite them but as BTS I will be okay but I want read your story.


@tbznewberry I miss all of your books  I keep rereading them sadly I can't anymore 


YESSSSS PLEASEEE  i miss sm ur books


omg could you like post the old books and delete them when u have the new ones please?? i’ve been dying to re-read that hotel fanfic


She moved off of the fanfic stage and is now on tumblr (@tbznewberry)


i swear i’ll re-write it myself if i have to i’m going crazy ur like the only good tbz writer lmao


Guys, please tell me why did she took down all of her books?!!! Those are literally my book comfort!!!! 


@nxjxaxyxn on her tumblr, she explained that it became hard to see the boys as characters and that she also grew out of her fanfic phase.


hi molly… i came back for the nth time to check if you republished your fics yet or not, i really miss your fics! i just want to say that i enjoyed it sm and i wish i could read it again… it’s sad to see 0 works on your profile, but i hope you’re okay!


Hello Molly <3 I’ve been reading you’re fanfics ever since I remember and I came back after a long time and I saw nothing on your profile which is truly heartbreaking just wanted to let you know I spend so many summer nights staying awake and reading your stories wish you could rapload them