clair de lune
  • — 487
  • انضمJanuary 31, 2020

الرسالة الأخيرة
tearsofirenic tearsofirenic May 03, 2022 12:25AM
haloo semuaa! i know it's too late but happy eid mubarak for those who celebrate yaa! mohon maaf atas segala kesalahan yang aku lakukan pada temen-temen semua baik yang aku sadari maupun yang tidak a...
عرض جميع المحادثات

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The Villiers بقلم tearsofirenic
The Villiers
❝It's time for the butterfly to leave its favorite flower.❞ Dangerous lone wolf. Itulah sebutan bagi anak ang...
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KAPRIKORNUS بقلم tearsofirenic
❝See you at the next eclipse, Winter❞ - KAPRIKORNUS : and the lunar eclipse *** Copyright © 2021 by tearsofir...
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