
seeing a brand new baby is wild like she is just so small and so precious and its INSANE


@sweetadoring its an incredible experience fr!! there is so much love before they are born, and after its like everything multiples!!!! my aunt is also currently expecting and due soon so i am so blessed to have two babies in my life that i get to see grow <3


this is the sweetest ever :( my brothers gf is having a baby soon and your perspective just made me so excited. like ‘seeing everything for the first time’ i’m going to sob 


yes this is my favorite thing abt being an older sister bc wdym like she was just born a couple hours ago and wdym shes so tiny and wdym shes seeing everything for the first time


seeing a brand new baby is wild like she is just so small and so precious and its INSANE


@sweetadoring its an incredible experience fr!! there is so much love before they are born, and after its like everything multiples!!!! my aunt is also currently expecting and due soon so i am so blessed to have two babies in my life that i get to see grow <3


this is the sweetest ever :( my brothers gf is having a baby soon and your perspective just made me so excited. like ‘seeing everything for the first time’ i’m going to sob 


yes this is my favorite thing abt being an older sister bc wdym like she was just born a couple hours ago and wdym shes so tiny and wdym shes seeing everything for the first time


there is something so ugly and horrendous that while the nypd forcefully arrested peaceful protesters; pro-israel people beat, pepper-sprayed, threatened sexual assault, and shouted racist remarks at people of color at ucla and not a single cop was called until after it happened and the pro-israel people disbanded and got away. 


I will never understand why our government is hellbent on defending Isra-hell when things like this happen and are still happening. The videos that make it out of Palestine are horrific m. I’ve seen babies, both toddler and literal newborns, get bombed and martyred. I’ve seen children so skinny from malnutrition, they are practically walking bones. And if the videos of the babies and children in Gaza aren’t enough to sway our government, you’d think the violence against people under our government would at least make them question their stance. But they don’t. And the worst part is that people are starting to turn a blind eye to it all. Your the first person I’ve seen talk about Palestine in so long and its heartbreaking 


also: i wrote pro-Palestinian people when i meant to say Palestinians AND Pro-Palestinians. no one has been through worse and more horrific situations than Palestinians and i would never want it to come off as me saying that Pro-Palestinians people here are facing worse violence and agression than those in Palestine. 


and on top of all of this violence and agression pro-Palestinian people have been facing during this entire genocide, our government is STILL siding with israel and providing them with money to further the murders of Palestinians. how much louder can we a country and society be? how much more do the Palestinians have to endure before they are allowed to live in peace? how can we as a people move on when people are being senselessly targeted and murdered for nothing more than being themselves? 


the urge to publish my original grows stronger everyday...... summer needs to come sooner


( @tejanoblue ) hello?????? publish it????? now????? please & thank you????? i’d love for you to do that now ❤️❤️


girl don’t say things like this… you know i need it like water 


cannot wait for summer!!


the way i got pulled over for the first time AND locked my keys in the car oh i am LOSING


@moviemeeks i have not yet! me and my mom are trying to figure out how to get back in!


this  is  actually  insane  how  did  you  get  back  in  :  sob  :