
I get surprised that people still read my book from 6 years ago. I was 15 years old when I wrote the RWBY book, and looking back it’s incredibly cringey to me, but I’m so glad it brings joy to others. 


Heyo! I'm new to Wattpad and I really enjoy your RVB and RWBY crossover thingy. So I decided to write my own thingy. (I gave credits to you.) Maybe you could check it out and give me some suggestions on how to make it better.(you don't have to) Thanks and I hope you have a 2018 as successful as 2015-2017. 


Alright it's happening, Vampire Chronicles is being unpublished. Now before you start anything, Im unpublishing it to rewrite it, it will have the same plot... just better. It'll take some time to get it fully republished but when I finish with the new chapter one, you can bet it will be published right away to whet your apetite for what I have in store for you ;3