
this message may be offensive
Btw guys back up your work 'cause Wattpads' going around deleting shit 


If your from my school pls read this it's important:
          I dont need to know who you are or anything but please please consider that this is my safe space and i know i did things wrong i try to correct them but please dont tell anyone else what you might found here, because this is still my safe space and id may or may not do something bad if everyone knew my secrets.


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Homies and bromies (??) I am officially 4 years on wattpad, this shit is not good for me, really.
          Anyways, i am thinking about writing a story that will probably end up somewhere but i do not know yet if people were even interested in reading it here.
          I need friends.


Sometimes i just want to throw my phone against the wall and said it accidentally broke so i would have a short break from social media but then i remember that i have all important documents on here, rip


@AST3R01D school, my parents, people i was friends with (but not am anymore)


@that_syndrigast i remember that one time where my phone slipped and i was close to a wall MY AMAZING REFLEXES SLAMMED IT INTO THE WALL


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If i see one more person posting some "oh i will pull the hannah baker soon" i will kill them myself, because its not only fucking annoying but also disrespectful because you all are killing my mental health for a bit of "pls dont kill urself i need you >_<" it makes me sick so stopp beeing selfish and just tell me your problems instead of fishing for attention because thats bastard behavior.
          Also, my head hurts