
Is one plus one minus one plus one minus one one? 


@ShyWrider awww your enthusiasm just— *cries*! it’s actually on my  s e c r e t  a c c o u n t @clowdyishiding 
            if you see something that you don’t like, please comment about it straight
            if you see something that unnerves you, please comment about it
            same goes for if you do like something. 
            in the development stages, feedback is SUPER crucial! i need you to be brutal if it’s boring especially! 


@cherryblossompark What?! *screams* 
            yes yes yes I would love to!!! Anything you write will be *chef's kiss* sooo if ya want to send them  I would love to see em!


@ShyWrider NO HAHAHAHA! it was the drafts of a different story I’m writing. I sorta need help with gauging how gripping the first two chapters are. (They’re both 1200 words- my next books are gonna have WAY shorter chaps cause- yeah, I guess. It’s okay if you can’t help out but it would be really nice!)


I feel so ungrateful because everyone on your mb is like ‘thank you for all the support and the votes’ and idk how long it’s been but never once have I done that. 
          That is because I did so on purpose.
          I am the ungrateful author that secretly hxtes you to the core. 
          What even is a ShyWrider? What is it shy about? Is it some beverage that has too much anxiety to perform well in the industry?
          I am the great evil that takes you for granted, you… you… you…
          amazing person. 
          Really, you amazing person. 
          (I was onIy joking about ShyWrider btw xD lmaaoo)
          I don’t know what exactly to say to you that would make you feel that subtle, warm ‘poof gjvcivvh cjjkrrr’ that you make me feel so often, and I doubt that “thank you for the votes” is it but… 
          *Imagine I said the perfect thing — everything you needed to hear* 
          Because whatever it is, 
          you deserve it.


@cherryblossompark there are four of the original FORTY islands, plus the characterization button is gone, meaning you can't steal people's clothes outside of a common room. Plus the friend bar isn't nearly as cool, and they got rid of the little questions and medals and photos. Realms is also gone and now there's just a little house on home island, a pet barn, and like five costumes in the shop. Plus a tiny ice cream stand. It's like the mocktropica creators took over..
            The old poptropica islands got removed cuz they had to move it on to new software,  but there's still hope!! They said they were gonna bring em back in shaa Allah so we'll have to wait and see!


@ShyWrider WHAT??! My heart is broken. I really loved Poptropica and with the usernames, I would always just click on the rotation symbol until I got a name I like LMAO. 
            What do you mean by ‘barely anything’?
            I feel your pain </3


@cherryblossompark poptropica was. The. Best. They changed it tho and now all the cool islands and features are gone 
            yep, tho most of them were something like Smelly Foot. It was HARD- but now there's barely anything left to do, meaning I have resorted to watching what I can no longer play.


hello there beautiful person, i just wanted to thank you again for all the support you've given me thus far, just know it means the world. i hope everything's going well, and that you eat some good food.


@whereagardenwas yess, I absolutely looove your books! You're an extremely talented author I must say. I hope your stories get even more reads! 
            Yes thank you, and your prayers have been answered as I just had a slushie uwu