
So I, Ella, am concidering writing some original story for the flock's page. I'll have Kristina draw a picture of the main charaters...and put it on devintart...maybe


Ella yet again my lovely readers! Nudge and I have been talking and we have decided to die Fang's hair to match his costuem... he would looks so cute as a blond! eeeeek! (sorry that sweel of joy was from Nudge) now Iggy, Gazzy, and I are going to sing "I fly like paper get hight like planes!....." 
          -This is Angel.....And Iggy, Gazzy, and Ella are being I'm ending this...l8r!


heyy! nudge here!
          oh my gosh, we flew over this tower shapped like a T the other day, and i was all " who would make a tower shaped like a T?" and max was all " it's california. they're pretty wierd."
          so yeah.
          fang really should be a bumblebee for halloween! he has the right personality for it! *gasps* ohmygosh! i should dye his hair to match the outfit! it would probably be dyed yellow stripes, so his hair will be black and yellow, like his costume! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!


fang here.
          first of all, i'm gonna kill you ella for even THINKING of me wearing a bumblebee outfit for halloween....
          anywho. max hasn't returned from wherever she went off to... i'm startin' to get slightly worried...
          anyway, we flew over this wierd tower on some island off the coast of california. you know, the one shaped like a T? we didn't see anyone there through the windows (with our raptor vision)
          I. KNOW. THAT. SOUNDS. LIKE. I'M. A. STALKER. deal with it.


Ella again....Max will probably let you know when it's her. I have important information! 
          important info #1) Pete Wentz, you need to cool it with the fro, we all like your straight hair, and that is how it should be.
          important info #2) Iggy is dancing to three days grace in a very on Iggy-like fasion.
          & 3) i was wondering what you guy think and flock and I should be for halloween. I want fang to be a bumble bee...but he says no....ideas? 
          ~much love Ella


Heyyy! It's Ella! so Max is off doing something other than guarding her computer, so I'm here! I will so up at random time to talk to you people, joyous I know. So...enjoy my company and other things I bring to the table. x)
          ~Much love Ella


hey yall max here!!! Yea not really it's ella and iggy. yeah, we kinda stole the laptop from max... but who cares?!  fyi iggy says he has a restraning order on jeb (just throwing that out there) :) going to the movies in.....a place later!
          anywho, max is gonna work on When the Birds Fly sometime.....   :)


Sooo you are the flock %u2018:D well that tell fang he should dump max and merry me lol or IGGY!!! Or both lol im a FIGGY fan lol cuteness with wings lol ok I'm bored and I'm not thinking correctly so any thing I say shouldn't be held against me 0_o so max DONT KILL ME!!