
Hello everyone! 
          	It’s been a very long time. Life got in the way I guess. I really hope you’re all well. 
          	Are we still on wattpad or living big people lives offline? 


@thefreakoffreaks, I am so excited that you are back! I was an avid reader of your stories when I was in highschool, and I am now back on Wattpad to try my hand at writing. Can't wait to read your new work!


We're still here waiting for you, Indie gorgeous, thanks for coming back ❤️


@thefreakoffreaks heyy, it really has been a very long time. I hope you're well and living THE life. I love Mr. popular and I series and I'm eagerly waiting for the next/any update/s on the boxer and I; aaandd that got me curious and wondering whether you're gonna write a book on Ky and Marissa as well??? I'm sure Ky and Marissa's story will be amazing as all of your works. 


Hello everyone! 
          It’s been a very long time. Life got in the way I guess. I really hope you’re all well. 
          Are we still on wattpad or living big people lives offline? 


@thefreakoffreaks, I am so excited that you are back! I was an avid reader of your stories when I was in highschool, and I am now back on Wattpad to try my hand at writing. Can't wait to read your new work!


We're still here waiting for you, Indie gorgeous, thanks for coming back ❤️


@thefreakoffreaks heyy, it really has been a very long time. I hope you're well and living THE life. I love Mr. popular and I series and I'm eagerly waiting for the next/any update/s on the boxer and I; aaandd that got me curious and wondering whether you're gonna write a book on Ky and Marissa as well??? I'm sure Ky and Marissa's story will be amazing as all of your works. 