
Hello everyone! I hope everyone had and is having a great Christmas/Yule/Hanukah, or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate. And I hope everyone is having a great break. 
          	I would just like to share with you an easy spell I do the last few days before the new year to bring in good karma and energy. I have a coffee (or any hot drink like tea or hot chocolate) with a little bit of milk to bring good luck, some chocolate (either liquid or solid) to ground ourselves, some vanilla for sweetness, and topped with cinnamon for prosperity and good luck, all for the new coming year. 
          	I usually have this drink everyday starting on the 26th to the 1st of January, though you could just have it New Years Eve!


@RanTubTomBenchTrio no problem, I hope you have a great night as well!! And thank you to Apollo and Loki!! 


@Raviethemagicalwitch yes, that can work!! As long as you have the same intent any ingredients are fine!


@thegreenkitchenwitch I don’t have vanilla or cinnamon. Should I just have cocoa?


Hi, I was wondering if I'm trying to shift to a DR based on an animated series, will everything be animated and will I be animated too? Is this something I should write in my script? Also are there any tips for shifting when it comes to the environment in the CR, what I mean is would shifting work better with or without a sound machine or a fan going? Sorry this is so long. 


Hii :) I tried shifting (raven method) and at first I focus very well on saying affirmations/visualizing etc.. BUT after some time (I counted to around 20) my mind start projecting very random pictures (that have absolutely nothing to do with my dr and after sometimes it has something to do with it, but its "very far away") and I can't stop it from projecting these pictures. Further my body feels weird, like it feels very small if that makes sense, as if my mind would deceive my body. After some time the weird feeling stops, but then it returns again. 
          Throughout the day I listened to subliminals for clearing the mind and peace. Your post for shifting is very useful, I managed to finish my script in a few hours :)! 
          Have a nice day ^^


Hello! I would say don’t worry about this. My mind wonders while shifting as well and it doesn’t affect your ability to shift since your intent is still to go to your desired reality! I’m glad my shifting tips helped, and good luck with your journey :)


Does anyone know a spell to heal yourself? From sickness, mental illness etc


I would suggest manifestations, or healing rituals. You can also make healing teas with magick herbs. Mental illnesses do not always heal as magick cannot go as far as healing brain chemicals, though I have found it helps control the mental illness. Magick can heal sickness though! 