Ahead of time, I would like to say that if you read books for any smut/romance, non-fiction events, you get attached to characters and feel what they do. stop right here and leave snowflake.Do not read snowflake if your emotions can get the best of you. < --Read that twice. The story focuses on actual school events, students lives, ant things the media isnt strong enough to talk about.
Snowflake was written to help anyone struggling through life, the charcters have their own seperate lives which mot people would be able to relate to.

I created a tiktok for updates/suggestions/comments/characters appearances and etc.
  • JoinedNovember 25, 2018

Last Message
thekinknife thekinknife Sep 09, 2023 08:46AM
definitely re-reding snowflake and editing ALOT to make it less cringe cause wtf
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