
You write good stories, Mr. Moth. Do you perchance have any advice for people wanting to write in this genre for the first time?


@AzekhArhiman Ah, thank you! As for advice, one thing I'll always say regardless of genre is that something is better than nothing. What I mean by that is that it's never gonna be perfect on the first draft, but you can work with it and edit it. Plus, the more you write the more you'll feel comfortable with it. It's sort of a constant process of improving through practice and experience. 
            For this specific genre, I'm not sure, I guess it depends on the kind of story you're going for? Personally I always try to balance out the sex bits with the story and romance, but that's mostly because I just like to throw in fluff with my smut (and in the case of the vampire one, I really just had a story in mind that happened to involve sex). I also recommend looking certain things up for the sex bits, just to see how these sorts of things work irl (like a personal gripe of mine is when a story has anal but there's never any mention of lube). This isn't to say you should make things 100% realistic and never have fun with it, just something to keep in mind I suppose. We can enjoy these types of stories and suspend our disbelief but you don't want to support potentially unhealthy ideas if that makes sense.
            But yeah, that's about all I have. I think the most important thing is really just getting started and having that first draft to work with. Like I said, the more you write the more comfortable you'll get with it. And good luck! I wish you the best in your writing journey!