
Happy quarentine!
          	Ive been writing a lot, so hopefully content will be dropped within the next few weeks. 
          	So i wanna know, how are y'all doin? 


i've been binging 3 different shows and waiting for u to post bc i love your stories


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Hello fellow wattpaders,
          I would like to put this up here as a delayed apology. I haven't uploaded in eons.  Also, one of my stories, The Devil, got deleted one night. I don't know how. And since my dumb ass didn't have a draft for the complete thing saved, I am currently re-writing the whole thing. I'll have stuff up soon.
          I have a lot of books in the works. I hope to upload soon, within a month maybe. Anyways, how are y'all doin'? Let's chat.


I want to write more but I have no confidence.
          I can easily talk to people online and offline but when it comes to people judging what I do my mind if guacamole
          How do you write so well?
          (I kind of asked two things in that last one.....oops)


            I will try but thanks for at least responding!
            (Self Confidence: Level Up!)


@MaiPollyPerson I don't really know. I don't think about people judging me. Have faith in yourself, girl!