
Hi everyone!!!
          	I've FINALLY uploaded the next two chapters to Ariel Sagitta! Hurrah! Huzzah!
          	So please check them out! Here's the link:
          	It's been a long while, but you should pick up quite quickly. I'll hopefully be able to consistently update this story from now on, because it's one of my personal favorites, and I hate leaving it unfinished!
          	I hope everyone is having a great school year! Stay awesome! And don't forget to check out "The Mark of Athena" on Oct. 2!


Hi everyone!!!
          I've FINALLY uploaded the next two chapters to Ariel Sagitta! Hurrah! Huzzah!
          So please check them out! Here's the link:
          It's been a long while, but you should pick up quite quickly. I'll hopefully be able to consistently update this story from now on, because it's one of my personal favorites, and I hate leaving it unfinished!
          I hope everyone is having a great school year! Stay awesome! And don't forget to check out "The Mark of Athena" on Oct. 2!


Hi everyone!!!!
          So it's been a LONG while since I've been on Wattpad. Okay, that's an understatement. It's almost been a full year.
          But I'm back! And I'm psyched to continue my stories!
          I've added a new chapter for my Narnia fanfic, Helios, which you can read here:
          And since most of you are fans of Ariel Sagitta, I will update that very soon!
          Hope you guys are having a good summer! :)


          So here's the scoop: besides stressing over my homework 24/7, I also love to create music. I'm not exactly good at it (haha), but I did create a little something for my Ariel Sagitta story.
          Remember the song Austin sang in Chapter 15? Well, I created my rendition of the song! You can view it here:

          You can also go to Chapter 15 and find it there.
          I did my best with a piano and my voice.  (Obviously, I don't have a lyre...) I would mean a lot to me if you listened to it!
          Thanks for reading this, and have a good day! :D