
Quick update on Out of Wreckage?
          	It's been a month since I updated the previous chapter. I was busy with my exam which finally ended yesterday, I can start writing now. Give me some time, I'll update soon.
          	Please keep supporting.


Quick update on Out of Wreckage?
          It's been a month since I updated the previous chapter. I was busy with my exam which finally ended yesterday, I can start writing now. Give me some time, I'll update soon.
          Please keep supporting.


There were times when I compared myself with others. I was mad at myself for those things that they could get and I couldn't. I was judged that I was incapable or a quitter. I wanted to prove them wrong.
          Even if I tried adjusting, I felt that I was compromising with my dreams and ambitions. Every passing day of waiting, every attempt and not excelling just ate me alive. I was patient yet so impatient that it's hard to say.
          Still I didn't give up and kept trying till I finally saw that one finish line which now I have finally crossed. But my journey doesn't end here. It has just started. I'm nervous yet hopeful because  it takes time to get things right and I know with my almighty, everything will be fine.
          P.S. Next update will take time. Please forgive me.


          To all my lovely readers, I've been unwell because of which I couldn't upload the chapter for "Out of Wreckage?"
          I'm recovering and will post the update soon. Thank you for your patience and immense support. I know I'm not in my element right now but will not give up on writing.
          Keep me in your prayers. Happy Gudi Padwa, Happy Baisakhi, Happy Ugadi and have a blessed month of Ramadan.
          Stay Safe. 
          Keep Reading.
          Love Annu7896.


At times when I'm having a foul mood, I want to write something of my own. It helps me to liberate myself knowing that many of you might understand despite of not knowing my real identity.
          Last week I got hired after spending a whole year at home but on the first day, I realised it wasn't for me. I cried because it was after very long time, I finally got something but it wasn't what I liked or wanted to do. I quit my job on my first day at work and that failure kept eating me alive. My own family felt that I gave up too soon and I was shattered. I'm not a quitter. It's not that I could've adjusted myself but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm not a coward but is it bad to want things out of passion and not obligation. I want to enjoy things I do, I don't want to do it just for the sake of earning something. I want to succeed but I know I'll fail a thousand times before I actually achieve what I truly want. 
          I want a job which pays me well because I've really worked hard for what I'm today. I want to dream but I want one of it to actually come true. I don't know when it will happen but I won't give up on that.


I just visit your profilr.,start reading the bio,and I notice your birth date.god you are lucky,you born just one day before Shawn Mendes,only the year is different he is younger than you


@PriyanshiRauthan17 Haha lol. Thanks for letting me know. I didn't know that before but now when I checked, I realised that I'm two years older than him. :-)


Hi Everyone.
          I hope you all are safe. First of all I couldn't update my book "Out of Wreckage?" as per my promise.
          I intended to but my aunt tested covid positive few weeks ago and she was hospitalized because of which I couldn't concentrate on anything. Thankfully, none of my family members showed any symptoms and my aunt got discharged once she tested negative. Now she's stable and resting. 
          The reason I'm writing to you all is that since last night, a group of unknown accounts started posting links to some websites having explicit contents in my comment section. I reported the comment and deleted it but there is a gang with different accounts who started posting it multiple times. I shared a ticket with Wattpad help support discussing the issue. Incase if you find similar types of links in any of my book's comments section, please let me know and do not click on that link. It can be a virus or worse can collect private information from your device.
          Stay safe.
          Lot's of love.