
Hi everyone! I'm getting back into writing on here!! I wanted to acknowledge that my writing has improved SO MUCH since my super long hiatus on fanfiction, so I hope you all enjoy the updates soon to come! I just published a new part on "Once Upon The Outsiders" so make sure to check it out. :)


Hi everyone! I'm getting back into writing on here!! I wanted to acknowledge that my writing has improved SO MUCH since my super long hiatus on fanfiction, so I hope you all enjoy the updates soon to come! I just published a new part on "Once Upon The Outsiders" so make sure to check it out. :)


OKAY, who got my “Reading The Outsiders” story removed from Wattpad??? I️ included an IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER on it saying that I️ DO NOT OWN S.E. HINTON’S CONTENT. Whoever reported it, why did you? I️ would never purposely steal my favorite author’s work for my own personal benefit?? 
          This makes me so aggravated. I️ spent so much time writing that story. Did you not see that? I️ was even about to update it too.
          Now I️ don’t know if I️ will be able to get it back on Wattpad. To whoever got my story deleted, I️ just want to say THANK YOU for making my life a little more painful now. THANK YOU!


@theoutsidersgirl I still have it in my library though.


@theoutsidersgirl Damn... that sucks. It was such a great story. Have you tried contacting Wattpad? :(


Hi everyone! Junior year was literally making me dig a grave so I had to abandon this account for a while!! :( I'm not going anywhere this summer so I hope to write & update a lot. My main priority is to update Reading The Outsiders but it literally takes days to write it, BUT I WILL TRY! Thank you to all who stuck in there, I'm really sorry about that but I hope to update soon!!! <3