
Thanks to everyone voting and commenting on my stories after all this time. I'm not here often and I wish I could thank you all individually like I used to do but seeing so many notifications never fails to warm my heart :)


How are you. It's been 2 years since i messaged you. 


@dear_lilac yes, I'm not writing anymore. Thanks for checking in and all the best to you!


@thepengal im good also, haven't seen you update. I guess you're busy in real world. Im happy to hear from you. Take care always. 


@dear_lilac Hiiii! I'm doing well, survived a pandemic and all  and you? Hope all is well!


Thanks to everyone voting and commenting on my stories after all this time. I'm not here often and I wish I could thank you all individually like I used to do but seeing so many notifications never fails to warm my heart :)


Hi everyone! A couple of you had been asking, so I thought I'll give all a quick heads up.
          I'm editing both Home and Cheshire, mainly to change the name of the characters to please everyone and basically stop receiving rude comments about it. 
          Everything should be published again in the next few days.
          Sorry for the annoying notifications! You can remove the stories from your libraries if it's too much (I won't get mad haha)
          Have a great weekend ❤     


@ohiogooniegirl thanks A! I totally agree with what you said but sadly the internet is full of rude people...
            It's nice to hear about you, hope you are doing well, miss you too! :) ❤


I’m so sorry people have been so rude over a characters name. I guess they don’t follow Harry’s advice and #treatpeoplewithkindness. It’s your books, you should be able to name them whatever you wish too! 
            Besides this, I hope you’ve been doing good, and I miss seeing ya around xoxo 


Huh youre story home was finished or am i crazy because i remember i have read the end that they got a kid together


@lamia2711 Yes, Home is a complete story . I'm editing and changing the names of the characters. Same thing with Cheshire, its sequel. It will all be published again soon. Sorry for the annoying notifications!


Hey girl! Will Home be continued? I love the story and can’t wait to read more. 


@UndocumentedLove Hi! Yes, of course. I'm working on some editing but it will be completely published in the next few days. Thanks a lot for your support ❤