
AS OF TODAY HTTH IS OFF HOLD! It’s been a long time I know, but Aubrey deserves to have a finished story — what do you think will happen next? [next chapter is up Monday!]


La preparatoria de San Diego está llena de adolescentes normales, su vida esta llena de fiestas, problemas y vicios. Por otro lado Lucca no puede soportar la realidad de su familia y huye a San Diego uniéndose a estos chicos.
          Drama, risas, amor, desamor, drogas, alcohol y fiestas, muchas fiestas acompañan a Lucca en este camino.
          " El es adicto a escapar de la realidad y ella es adicta a él".  
          Agradecería que pasaras por mi novela ☺️


Hi hi hi ☺
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          Its a great place where authors support one another, there are many different chat clubs in the G+ hangouts, Writing school, Word Wars, Critique Exchange, and their is many other different activities that may suit you.
          I promise you this group is where you need to be and if you know of any fellow authors who you think may be interested in joining this group or would benefit from this group pls feel free to tag them
          @JABrownOfficial & @tete_xoxo
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          @johannahefer & @BookerTilton