
I was looking at my stats on my laptop for the first time for my Andy x reader and  it says only 1% of you guys are male(or at least identify as male)?! if any of you guys out there want something let me know. And also, what do all you guys out there want when you're reading stuff on here? I'm really curious to know because I can always write stuff for you guys too. That and I really just want to know because I like to see different perspectives. K that's it. Laters!


@theshatteredgods well i'm female and I love your story!! I read fanfiction in general cause 
          	  1)it's a lot easier to read since you don't have to get to know and get to love the characters; you already do and
          	  2) when i read it i know that out there are other crazy fangirls like me since i don't have any friends that like bands THAT much, only a little.


I just wanted to let you know that I love your story. I don't mean to stress you out any more than you already are. But can you please update. It would be amazing and I would be completely grateful if you could. But, I understand if you don't want to update. It really is just an amazing story and you have so much potential. You are an amazing author writing an amazing story. Thank you. 


I was looking at my stats on my laptop for the first time for my Andy x reader and  it says only 1% of you guys are male(or at least identify as male)?! if any of you guys out there want something let me know. And also, what do all you guys out there want when you're reading stuff on here? I'm really curious to know because I can always write stuff for you guys too. That and I really just want to know because I like to see different perspectives. K that's it. Laters!


@theshatteredgods well i'm female and I love your story!! I read fanfiction in general cause 
            1)it's a lot easier to read since you don't have to get to know and get to love the characters; you already do and
            2) when i read it i know that out there are other crazy fangirls like me since i don't have any friends that like bands THAT much, only a little.